Under its Ultraflux brand, created in 1974, FAURE HERMAN is a pioneer in ultrasonic flowmetering. The company designs and manufactures its own products based exclusively on the measurement of ultrasound transit times. This measurement principle allows a continuous, accurate and bi-directional flow measurement.
The Ultraflux product line is dedicated to non-transactional process measurements. It is composed of portable or fixed devices: flowmeters for pipes under load (liquids and gases), flowmeters for free surface flows, interface, sphere or scraper detectors and level measurement systems for underground storage.
FAURE HERMAN sells its Ultraflux brand products worldwide through its own subsidiaries and a network
Portable flowmeters
Fixed stations
- Flow measurement on full pipes
- Fixed stations – Flow measurement on open channels
- Gas flow measurement fixed stations
- Specific fixed stations – ISD & PSD
Range of external clamp on probes
Range of intrusive probes
Range of immersed probes (“wet” probes)
ATEX versions of electronics and probes