Ighokes Nigeria Limited

Oil & Gas Services, Procurement & Contracts

IGHOKES NIGERIA LIMITED Which has built an excellent reputation with the Oil &Gas industries in Nigeria was established and registered on the 15th of September 1994 by the Corporate Affairs Commission under the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990. The aim and objective of the company is to provide professional services to the Oil &Gas industries in Nigeria


Our Products

Our Services

Our Principal Services

At Present, IGHOKES NIGERIA LIMITED is dedicated and organized around its present activities of: (A)E/I CONSTRUCTION, REVAMPING AND MAINTENANCE Engineering & Construction of Pneumatic, Hydraulic, Electrical/Electronic Control panels and systems for pumps, gas compressors, flow stations, well head and production platforms

Our Clients

Our Clients currently include the following companies in the Oil &Gas sector of the Nigerian Economy


And we reach out to smaller servicing companies in the Oil and Gas hub of Nigeria

Our Partners

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